Film Photorolls
This was originally posted on cohost.
More …This was originally posted on cohost.
More …This was originally posted on cohost.
While looking up the various colour films my local photo shops carry, I found that a lot of them are actually respools and repackagings of other film (most Kodak), so I’ve tried to compile that information here to keep track of them all.
More …This was originally a two-part post on cohost.
One thing that bothers me about bopomofo is that words ending in ㄛ get an extra vowel ㄨ (essentially just /w/) in the middle sometimes when spoken but it’s never written down.
More …This was originally two posts on cohost.
More …This post is based on the observation that, in a variety of fields (e.g. logic, computics, mathematics, physics), while certain classes of problems can be parameterized by some natural number , it appears that the interesting problems―not so simple as to be trivial, but not so complex as to be unsolvable, undecidable, intractable, or nonexistent―always occur at small . Below is a collection of such problems, describing at which they are interesting, and how so.
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