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Impredicative Inductives Need Not be Strictly Positive

If you look around for why inductive datatypes need to be strictly positive, you’ll probably end up at Vilhelm Sjöberg’s blog post Why must inductive types be strictly positive?, which gets passed around a lot as an accessible and modernized description of the inconsistency that arises from a certain large, impredicative inductive datatype that is positive but not strictly positive. This example originally comes from Coquand and Paulin-Mohring’s COLOG-88 paper Inductively defined types. A key component of the inconsistency relies on the injectivity of its constructor, but since the inductive is large, even if Rocq were to permit nonstrictly positive inductives, it would still disallow its strong elimination and therefore injectivity!

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Impredicative Type Theories

Models of predicative type theory are well-studied and have been mechanized, ranging from proofs of consistency for a minimal type theory with a predicative hierarchy in 1000 lines of Rocq to proofs all the way up to decidability of conversion in 10 000 lines of Agda.

In contrast, the story for impredicative type theory is not so clear. Incorporating different features alongside an impredicative Prop may require substantially different proof methods. This post catalogues these various models, what type theories they model, and what proof technique is used. Most proofs fall into one of three techniques: proof-irrelevant set-theoretic models, reducibility methods, and realizabililty semantics.


Work Theory Proof method Universes Inductives Equality
Coquand (1985) CC ? Prop, Type none untyped
Pottinger (1987) CC ? Prop, Type none untyped
Ehrhard (1988) CC ω-Set Prop, Type none none
Coquand and Gallier (1990) CC reducibility Prop, Type none untyped
Luo (1990) ECC reducibility; ω-Set Prop ⊆ Type{i} dependent pairs untyped
Terlouw (1993) CC reducibility Prop, Type none untyped
Altenkirch (1993) CC Λ-Set Prop, (Type) impredicative typed
Goguen (1994) UTT set-theoretic Prop, Type predicative typed
Geuvers (1995) CC reducibility Prop, Type none untyped
Melliès and Werner (1998) PTS Λ-Set Prop ⊈ Type{i} none untyped
Miquel (2001) CCω set-theoretic; ω-Set Prop ⊆ Type{i} none untyped
Miquel (2001) ICC ? Prop ⊆ Type{i} none untyped
Miquel and Werner (2003) CC set-theoretic Prop, Type none untyped
Lee and Werner (2011) pCIC set-theoretic Prop ⊆ Type{i} predicative typed
Sacchini (2011) CIC^- Λ-Set Prop, Type{i} predicative, sized untyped
Barras (2012) CCω set-theoretic Prop ⊆ Type{i} naturals untyped
Barras (2012) CC Λ-Set Prop, Type naturals untyped
Timany and Sozeau (2018) pCuIC set-theoretic Prop ⊆ Type{i} predicative typed
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Specialty Coffee Roasters in Philadelphia

Get your beans here! This is a list of specialty coffee roasters local to Philly that do single-origin light roasts whose coffeeshops are in or close to Centre City. This list is tailored to my preferences: I make coffee with an Aeropress at home, and I enjoy getting pourover coffee when I’m out.

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ECIC is Inconsistent

…probably. To be clear, ECIC1 refers to Monnier and Bos’ Erasable CIC2, with erasable in the sense of erasable pure type systems (EPTS)3. I’ll argue that even with erased impredicative fields, Coquand’s paradox of trees4 is still typeable.

  1. Not to be confused with their eCIC, the erasable CIC. 

  2. Stefan Monnier; Nathaniel Bos. Is Impredicativity Implicitly Implicit? TYPES 2019. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.TYPES.2019.9

  3. Nathan Mishra-Linger; Tim Sheard. Erasure and polymorphism in pure type systems. FOSSACS 2008. doi:10.5555/1792803.1792828

  4. Thierry Coquand. The paradox of trees in type theory. BIT 32 (1992). doi:10.1007/BF01995104

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Respooled Film Stocks

This was originally posted on cohost.

While looking up the various colour films my local photo shops carry, I found that a lot of them are actually respools and repackagings of other film (most Kodak), so I’ve tried to compile that information here to keep track of them all.

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Designing Stratified Type Theory

I’ve wanted to write an informal (but technical!) post1 about my current research in progress on Stratified Type Theory (StraTT), but we’ve been occupied with writing up a paper draft for submission to CPP 2024, then writing a talk for NJPLS Nov 2023, then being rejected from CPP, then I’ve just been randomly distracted for two weeks but I’m so back now.

That paper draft along with the supplementary material will have all the details, but I’ve decided that what I want to focus on in this post is all the other variations on the system we’ve tried that are either inconsistent or less expressive. This means I won’t cover a lot of motivation or examples (still a work in progress), or mention any metatheory unless where relevant; those can be found in the paper. Admittedly, these are mostly notes for myself, and I go at a pace that sort of assumes enough familiarity with the system to be able to verify well-typedness mentally, but this might be interesting to someone else too.

  1. A draft of this post was first published on Cohost. 

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Notes on Guarded Types


Work Summary
Nakano1 STLC + recursive types + guarded types
Birkdeal, Møgelberg, Schwinghammer, Stovring2 dependent types + recursive types + guarded types
Atkey and McBride3 STLC + recursive types + guarded types + clocks
Birkedal and Møgelberg4 dependent types + guarded types
Møgelberg5 dependent types + guarded types + clocks
GDTT6 dependent types + guarded types + clocks + delayed substitution
CloTT7 dependent types + guarded types + ticks + clocks
GCTT8 cubical type theory + guarded types + delayed substitution
TCTT9 cubical type theory + guarded types + ticks
CCTT10 cubical type theory + guarded types + ticks + clocks
  1. Nakano, Hiroshi. A Modality for Recursion. (LICS 2000). ᴅᴏɪ: 10.1109/lics.2000.855774

  2. Birkedal, Lars; Møgelberg, Rasmus Ejlers; Schwinghammer, Jans; Stovring, Kristian. First Steps in Synthetic Guarded Domain Theory: .Step-Indexing in the Topos of Trees. (LICS 2011). ᴅᴏɪ: 10.1109/LICS.2011.16

  3. Atkey, Robert; McBride, Conor. Productive Coprogramming with Guarded Recursion. (ICFP 2013). ᴅᴏɪ: 10.1145/2500365.2500597

  4. Birkedal, Lars; Møgelberg, Rasmus Ejlers. Intensional Type Theory with Guarded Recursive Types qua Fixed Points on Universes. (LICS 2013). ᴅᴏɪ: 10.1109/LICS.2013.27

  5. Møgelberg, Rasmus Ejlers. A type theory for productive coprogramming via guarded recursion. (LICS 2014). ᴅᴏɪ: 10.1145/2603088.2603132

  6. Bizjak, Aleš; Grathwohl, Hans Bugge; Clouston, Ranald; Møgelberg, Rasmus Ejlers; Birkedal, Lars. Guarded Dependent Type Theory with Coinductive Types. (FoSSaCS 2016). ᴅᴏɪ: 10.1007/978-3-662-49630-5_2

  7. Bahr, Patrick; Grathwohl, Hans Bugge; Møgelberg, Rasmus Ejlers. The Clocks Are Ticking: No More Delays! (LICS 2017). ᴅᴏɪ: 10.1109/LICS.2017.8005097

  8. Birkedal, Lars; Bizjak, Aleš; Clouston, Ranald; Grathwohl, Hans Bugge; Spitters, Bas; Vezzosi, Andrea. Guarded Cubical Type Theory. (Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2019). ᴅᴏɪ: 10.1007/s10817-018-9471-7

  9. Møgelberg, Rasmus Ejlers; Veltri, Niccolò. Bisimulation as Path Type for Guarded Recursive Types. (POPL 2019). ᴅᴏɪ: 10.1145/3290317

  10. Kristensen, Magnus Baunsgaard; Møgelberg, Rasmus Ejlers; Vezzosi, Andrea. Greatest HITs: Higher inductive types in coinductive definitions via induction under clocks. (LICS 2022). ᴅᴏɪ: 10.1145/3531130.3533359

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Lossless Image File Formats

This was originally a two-part post on cohost.

Recently I needed to convert a large TIFF scan of a duochrome page into something reasonable, i.e. a web-supported image format that was still lossless since it seemed a shame to ruin such a nice high-definition scan with lossy compression. In terms of lossless formats, all browsers1 support PNG, WEBP, and AVIF, while I really hope JXL support is imminent.

I therefore wanted to see which file format would perform the best in terms of file size by converting my ~183 MiB TIFF to each of them using ImageMagick. For PNG, WEBP, and JXL, there’s an effort setting: lower effort means faster compression but larger size, while higher effort means slower compression but smaller size. I used the highest three settings for these, yielding sizes from ~50 MiB to ~20 MiB. (As a treat, I’ve also converted to JPG, WEBP, AVIF, and JXL at -quality 0, i.e. lossy with the worst settings.)

  1. Except Edge doesn’t support AVIF, but who cares about Edge? 

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